
Ziggy and Tyson were originally sold by the Beacon Hill Petting Zoo after their petting season was over (as most baby animals are) and purchased as pets for a 9 year old girl.  Two years later the young girl lost interest in her pets so their owner reached out to RASTA for help.

Unfortunately most petting zoos constantly breed their animals to maintain a steady supply of cute babies in the spring (for their summer season) and then sell them off in the fall.  The animals used in petting zoos are farm animals, the majority of which end up sold for slaughter because there simply aren't enough homes to provide lifetime care to the massive numbers of animals that petting zoos produce.

As a Sanctuary, it isn't sustainable for us to take in every animal that is irresponsibly produced by the petting zoo industry but we try to help when space and finances allow.  Saving these two goats won't change the world, but for them, the world will surely be forever changed.

Photo Credit: Andrew Hill

Tyson & Ziggy-min