
Hamlet is yet another potbelly pig that was surrendered to the Sanctuary, this time given up due to a move.  As RASTA's barn was literally maxed out for space with nearly 60 potbelly pigs in our care, in addition to several dozens of other farm animals, we were not able accomodate Hamlet right away and thus he spent some time in a local foster home before we could transfer him to the Sanctuary.  At his former foster home, Hamlet lived with two other companions; Jack the sheep and Cornelius the rooster.  Together the eclectic trio was affectionately known as “The Three Amigos”.


Hamlet has since made his way to the Sanctuary where he currently lives among a number of other senior potbelly pigs.

As Hamlet’s former owners had promised to stay in touch and to help out with his care, it has been many years now since his surrender and despite repeated attempts to contact them, we are most disappointed to say that we've never heard from them again.

Make a Donation

Donations help support Hamlet and all the other great animals at the RASTA Sanctuary.

Learn about our three different ways of making a general donation,


or Sponsor

Hamlet's sponsorship fee is $30/month, or $360/year which helps pay for his feed, hay, and bedding.

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As a registered charity, all donations are tax-deductible. Thank you for your support!
